真人一进一出抽搐大尺度视频 ,亚洲中文爆乳av,国产成人高清在线播放2024-03-08T05:21:34+08:00zh-twhourly1Wellwiz Flavor System 1.0.7<![CDATA[感官口味喜好和品味的靈敏度和不健L(fng)食物模式與超重和肥胖學生在歐洲的綜合數?- IDEFICS研究協會]]>http://m.mqfnttx.cn/templete/news.asp?ID=498背景
增加偏愛脂肪?span style="font-style: italic;">p?/span>?span style="font-style: italic;">降低呌的靈敏度可能在超重和肥胖發展中的作用Q但感官知覺都可能是從小受飲食文化,共同的飲食習慣中已經影響?span style="font-size: 12pt;">我們總i了在意大利Q愛沙尼亞,塞路斯Q比利時Q瑞典,德國Q匈牙利和西班牙進行的一項大規模行病學研究的主要結論。我們測得的口味偏好?,839?歲至9歲的兒童口味的閾|調查可能影響觀測的喜好以及(qing)與體重狀況的關聯因素?/span>




我們的i論是文化和q齡的口呛_好在青春期前的兒童的重要決定因素。橫截面數據示Q客觀測量的口呛_好與學生跨不同飲食文化的體重狀況相關。Hypothesise 這個協會是׃利的食物選擇介導的特點是甜和含脂肪食品的食品模式過剩體重增加這些孩子有關?/div>

關鍵詞:(x) 斷面研I? 行病學; 飲食文化; 測量品味素質; 重和肥? 感官呌; 苦味; 呛_; 甜味; 鮮味

Short report
Sensory taste preferences and taste sensitivity and the association of unhealthy food patterns with overweight and obesity in primary school children in Europe—a synthesis of data from the IDEFICS study
Corresponding author: Wolfgang Ahrens ahrens@bips.uni-bremen.de

The electronic version of this article is the complete one and can be found online at: http://www.flavourjournal.com/content/4/1/8

Increased preference for fat and sugar or reduced taste sensitivity may play a role in overweight and obesity development, but sensory perceptions are probably influenced already during childhood by food cultures and common dietary habits. We summarise the main findings of a large-scale epidemiological study conducted in Italy, Estonia, Cyprus, Belgium, Sweden, Germany, Hungary and Spain. We measured the taste preferences and the taste thresholds in 1,839 children aged 6 to 9 years and investigated factors that might influence the observed preferences as well as their association with weight status.

Country of residence was the strongest factor related to preferences for sweet, salty, bitter and umami. Taste preferences also differed by age. Regardless of the country of residence and other covariates, overweight and obesity were positively associated with the preference for fat-enriched crackers and sugar-sweetened apple juice.

We conclude that culture and age are important determinants of taste preferences in pre-adolescent children. The cross-sectional data show that objectively measured taste preferences are associated with the weight status of primary school children across varying food cultures. We hypothesise that this association is mediated by an unfavourable food choice as a food pattern characterised by sweet and fatty foods is associated with excess weight gain in these children.

Keywords: Cross-sectional study; Epidemiology; Food culture; Measurement of taste qualities; Overweight and obesity; Sensory taste perception; Bitter taste; Salty taste; Sweet taste; Umami taste
