无码h片在线观看网站,国产精品国产三级国产AV主播2022-12-18T10:34:15+08:00zh-twhourly1Wellwiz Flavor System 1.0.7<![CDATA[Packaged Sweet Baked Snacks and Dessert]]>http://m.mqfnttx.cn/templete/news.asp?ID=433國甜味雉?qing)甜點市場趨?/div>
據市調公?ResearchAndMarkets 研究指出Q在消費者關注健庯減重以及(qing)重視鮮食的趨勢下Q美國甜味零食和甜點市場?2008 q來Q每q仍以年增長複合?2.5%持續I定成長Q估a?2012 q零售總約?12.7 億美元。廠商除紛紛推出W合健康?qing)新鮮的商品外,在包裝上亦多?gu)包裝及(qing)單h份,以滿xL望並控制熱量的攝取,預期有助於甜點雉的銷售增镗?nbsp;

Packaged Sweet Baked Snacks and Dessert

The total retail sales of the packaged sweet baked snacks and desserts market was estimated at $12.7 billion in 2012. 

The market is mature with growth challenged by health and diet concerns, changing snacking choices and an increasing desire for fresh rather than packaged foods. However Americans love their sweet snacks and desserts and that has propelled dollar sales forward by a CAGR of 2.5% since 2008. Growth has been steady although slow throughout the period.

Packaged Sweet Baked Snacks and Desserts: U.S. Market Trends provides insights into successfully navigating and thriving in this still prosperous food market segment. Looking ahead to 2017, growth is projected to be spurred by a variety of factors. For instance, dollar sale increases will be driven by higher prices from smaller pack sizes that have higher per unit costs. Smaller sizes and single-serve portions will help drive cookie and snack growth as they fulfill consumer desire for portion control and on-the-go snacking options.

Scope of Market

Packaged Sweet Baked Snacks and Desserts: U.S. Market Trends presents a detailed analysis of the U.S. consumer market for packaged sweet baked snacks and desserts sold in retail outlets, excluding independent and in-store bakeries. It outlines key issues and trends affecting the overall market and analyzes all product categories including shelf-stable, refrigerated, and frozen cookies, cakes, pies, bakery snacks, and cheesecakes. 

The report also discusses major players and brands and analyzes their key activities and performance. Market size data are provided for 2008?012 and projections for 2012?017. All retail channels that sell consumer packaged sweet baked snacks and desserts are covered and considered in arriving at overall market size estimates, market trends and competitive analysis. Not included are sales through independent bakeries or sales of fresh products from in-store bakeries of retailers. Packaged products sold in the in-store bakery section and covered by IRI are included.
